Having doubts about adopting a senior dog?
Senior dogs are most likely already house-trained and will do their best to stay clean.
Unless the dog has been abandoned because of destructive behaviour, the likeliness of an older dog destructively chewing furniture is much lower. Your couch will thank you!
Contrary to belief, older dogs are more than capable of learning and usually are easier to train as they're already much calmer and will listen to you better.
Rescued and adopted dogs often bond with their new human on a completely different level because they understand loss. They will appreciate and love you! However many years they have left can be spent knowing you have provided an old dog love, comfort and happiness, what can be better than that?
No matter the age, dogs are always like puppies, they may have on and off days, or a bit of stiffness and pain, but they will always want to wiggle their tail, snuggle and play.
Adopting a senior dog, you see exactly what the dog has become, no wondering how big will it get, what it will look like, what grooming will be required. Everything is presented up-front!
Maybe you don't have a lot of time to spent walking a dog, well most older dogs are likely couch potatoes and would probably prefer to spend their time snuggled up.
Many senior dogs are passed up in shelters in favour of a younger puppy. No matter the reason they're up for adoption, they're not at fault. They can be loving, loyal and just as playful as a puppy and given the time, they will prove it to you. All dogs, young and old deserve to have a loving home.
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